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Yellow Celouscia

Yellow Celouscia Flower

Yellow Celouscia  or Celosia offers season-long garden color with minimal care. The golden yellow plumes are produced in abundance, at times covering the plant. Plants exhibit heat, humidity, and severe weather tolerance. Like all Celosia plumosa, flowers can be cut for arrangements or dried as an everlasting bouquet.

Orange Flower

This is an Orange Flower with yellow pollen and red color at the center. This kind of flower can be found in damp soil and grew for about 1 and a half feet. The petals can have as much as 15. The kind of orange color is a lot different than the orange color found in sunflowers.

Orange Euphorbia

Orange Euphorbia

Cabbage Cactus

Cabbage Cactus

Cabbage cactus are typically desert-dwelling plants that thrive in dry and hot conditions, but these plants also make excellent indoor houseplants. Cabbage cactus are quite low-maintenance, making them an ideal plant for new gardeners and a great housewarming gift. The secrets to growing healthy cacti indoors include providing them with plenty of sunlight, not overwatering, and using the right soil.

Orange Santan

An Orange Santan is one of the few colors of Santan flowers. The most popular are red, yellow, and pink. These flowers are adamant in the Philippines and Malaysia.

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